legal information

Legal informations


Wedding videographer blue line to separate the different sections of the site: contact, about, services, and many others.

You’re on the page containing legal and mandatory information. First, Bremesnil is a service dedicated to the art of capturing a wedding’s most precious moments through high-end wedding videos. Also, I’m proud to share my passion for creating unforgettable memories and to offer you personalized services tailored to your unique needs.

So, as part of our commitment to transparency and compliance with current regulations, I present below the necessary legal informations relating to my business. That’s why, I also invite you to familiarize yourself with this information and to contact me should you have any questions or additional requests.

legal wedding

Key legal informations

The website is published by Bremesnil, SASU registered with the Avignon Trade and Companies Register under number 940404460, trading as Bremesnil.

get more informations about Bremesnil
    • Postal address: 12 lotissement les Acacias, 84800 l’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue
    • Publishing Director: Vincent Tesniere
    • Managing editor: Vincent Tesniere
    • Hosting: Hostinger, International Ltd 61 Lordou Vironos Street, 6023 Larnaca, Chypre
    • Intellectual property: The texts, videos and images on this site belong to Bremesnil.
    • Site design and development: Bremesnil